The Triangle Theory

"For one's mouth says it, one's ear hears it, one's brain internalizes it, one's body shall follow."                                                                                             -It Tis IThe ideology behind this goes hand in hand with the saying, "Watch what you say." When one utters words from their mouth, it can have the same effect, if not more, as when another individual says the same thing. Think of it like this. When people typically hear something over and over about themselves. One is bound to start believing that very thing. Ask yourself this question, especially if a reliable source confirms it as their belief. Does telling yourself, "I can do this" or "You can do this." make it more feasible to accomplish? Vise versa telling yourself you can't do something would harm your performance. Be careful with the words that come out of your mouth. Not only to others but, more importantly, to yourself. Be mindful that " Loose lips sink ships. Making for one heck of a trip."

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